Top 10 Babyfaces in WWE History

These are my picks for the Top 10 Babyfaces in WWE History.

My criteria for each choice:
Audience reception


Comments: In 2022, Cody Rhodes reemerged from the shadows back into the WWE at WrestleMania 38 with an earth shattering return. This time, he came back as the 'American Nightmare'. Since then, Cody has been the backbone of the roster, helping carry the company as it's top babyface all the way through today, where he is the current WWE Champion. Cody is not only champion, he's one of the top sellers on the merch stands and has been since his return. He brings a classical style babyface to the television screens, much like his father, Dusty. The future of WWE is bright with Cody Rhodes hovering around.

Accomplishments: WWE Champion 1x, Royal Rumble winner (2023, 2024), Intercontinental Champion 2x, WWE Tag Team Champion 3x, WWE RAW Tag Team Champion 1x, WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champion 1x

Comments: BOOYAKA! Since the early 2000s, there's never been a more fan favorite of all time then Rey Mysterio. Since his tenure started in WWE, Mysterio has always portrayed a good guy. Everywhere Mysterio went, he was recognized...mostly in part to his lucha libre mask. That mask has sold tons in WWE around the world for many years. Mysterio is considered to be the greatest cruiserweight of all time by many of his peers and fans alike. He's one of the most likable wrestlers on the planet. Mysterio will go down as one of the greatest and most authentic babyfaces of all time.

Accomplishments: WWE Champion 1x, World Heavyweight Champion 1x, Intercontinental Champion 2x, United States Champion 3x, Cruiserweight Champion 3x, WWE Tag Team Champion 4x, WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champion 1x, Royal Rumble winner (2006), WWE Hall of Fame (Class of 2023)

Comments: There has never been a stronger female babyface than Becky Lynch. Lynch, since turning into 'The Man' back in 2018, has been on one of the biggest WWE runs of all time. Lynch started on the main roster in WWE in 2015 and has since become the biggest female babyface there has ever been for the company. Selling merchandise like crazy, winning championships, main eventing WrestleMania and being the poster image for women's wrestling for close to a decade now. Safe to say the Irish Lasskicker deserves to be apart of this list of the all time great good guys...sorry, gals.

Accomplishments: Women's World Champion 5x, Women's Champion 2x, NXT Women's Champion 1x, Women's Tag Team Champion 1x, Royal Rumble winner (2019)

Comments: OOOHHH YYYEEEAAAHHH! Throughout the early 1990s, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage was one of the biggest underdogs and superstars of that era. Whether it was apart of the 'Mega Powers' with Hulk Hogan or becoming one of the greatest Intercontinental Champions of all time, Savage had the crowd in the palm of his charismatic hands. Savage has been the influence for so many future superstars in the WWE and around the world. From his smashmouth promo style, to his flamboyant attire he wore to the ring, the Macho Man carried himself like a true babyface.

Accomplishments: WWE Champion 2x, Intercontinental Champion 1x, King of the Ring (1987), WWE Hall of Fame (Class of 2015)

Comments: THE COMMON MAN Dusty Rhodes comes in at number six. Dusty Rhodes was one of the biggest babyfaces around the nation during the 1970s and 80s. Rhodes carried himself as the 'Common Man' persona, becoming relatable with the audience as they performed around a lot of blue collar fans. He was the 'American Dream'. Rhodes, although never being a WWE Champion (at least for long), is one of the greatest wrestlers to never be a world champion in WWE or any company for that matter. From his flashy attire, to his charismatic personality, Dusty Rhodes became a pop culture figure like none other, influencing many male and female superstars of today's professional wrestling landscape. Like they always said, he's just a common man.

Accomplishments: WWE Hall of Fame (Class of 2007)

Comments: The Undertaker was a staple for WWE since the early 1990s, becoming a household name and one of the biggest and most respected WWE superstars and performers of all time. There have been a few different variations of the Undertaker character, but none more popular than the 'Deadman' persona. With his trademark stetson hat, to his trenchcoat, Undertaker was the most menacing entities to ever grace a squared circle. He haunted his opponents with his vicious and fast paced in-ring style, especially for his size. He also creeped the fans out in attendance with his spooky entrance and antics. The Undertaker rounds out the Top 5 on this list as one of the best babyfaces of all time, because even though he has a scary persona, the fans cheered loud every time they heard that *gong*. They knew what was coming and they knew what was about to happen. From whom the bell tolls, The Undertaker cometh.

Accomplishments: WWE Champion 4x, World Heavyweight Champion 3x, Hardcore Champion 1x, World Tag Team Champion 6x, WCW Tag Team Champion 1x, Royal Rumble winner (2007), WWE Hall of Fame (Class of 2022)

Comments: IF YA SMELLLLL! The Rock is one of the most charismatic WWE superstars of all time. So, its no shock that he ends up here on this list as one of the best babyfaces in WWE history. During the late 90s, WWE had a surge in popularity thanks to their style in programming and performing changing drastically since their early years. WWE became more edgy and pushed the envelope. This era has been known as the 'Attitude Era'. The Rock was a character that brought out the edgy with his stylish silk shirts and his sharp tongued mic skills. The Rock became a household name and one of the most popular superstars of all time. He is regarded as the best 'talker' in professional wrestling history, rightfully so. The Rock has become one of the most influential entities in wrestling and in pop culture for his work ethic and gratitude to the business that made him a mega star. The Rock has also become one of the biggest movie stars since his hey day in wrestling in the late 90s, earning BILLIONS of dollars in the box office. Whether he was portraying a bad guy with his 'Hollywood' Rock persona in the early 2000s, it was hard to hate The Rock because he is just so charismatic with everything he touches. WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN'!

Accomplishments: WWE Champion 8x, World Heavyweight Champion 2x, Intercontinental Champion 2x, WWE Tag Team Champion 5x, Royal Rumble winner (2000)

Comments: *GLASS SHATTERS*! BAH GAWD, it's STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD! Yes, when you heard that glass shatter, you know who is coming through that curtain and you know an unholy ass whipping is coming to whoever is in the ring. Coming in at #3 of my Best Babyfaces list is none other than the Texas Rattlesnake, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. Arguably the greatest wrestling star of the late 1990s and early 2000s, Austin became a major player in helping WWE's late 90s boom period known as the 'Attitude Era', becoming the company's biggest superstar and draw of that era. His brash, anti-establishment, rebel-like persona was a hit with the audience, making him the biggest babyface since Hulk Hogan in the 1980s. He resonated with the audience as being an authentic good guy who they saw a lot of themselves in, whether its because he drank beer or he couldn't stand his boss. Either way, the audience reacted and loved the Rattlesnake for who he was and they let him know every chance they got. BAH GAWD! AUSTIN HAS PARTED THE RED SEA!

Accomplishments: WWE Champion 6x, Intercontinental Champion 2x, WWE Tag Team Champion 4x, Million Dollar Champion 1x, King of the Ring (1996), Royal Rumble winner (1997, 1998, 2001), WWE Hall of Fame (Class of 2009)

Comments: In the early 2000s, WWE introduced a new prospect in the name of John Cena. At first, audience members didn't know much about him and he looked like just another generic superstar to walk through the curtain. But, as Cena grew through the ranks in 2002 and into 2003, he changed his way he presented himself on televison, becoming the 'Doctor of Thuganomics'. Cena's 'Doctor of Thuganomics' character became a major hit with the audience, who saw Cena as a real deal player in the league. Cena is as brash as they come, rapping insults and truths into the face of his opponents for years. In the years of the 'Doctor' persona, Cena grew to be the most popular WWE superstar of that time. Cena went onto become a United States Champion and eventually in 2005 won his first WWE Championship on the grandest stage of them all, WrestleMania. Since that point, Cena grew more mature into a 'superman' type of persona with his 'Never Give Up' attitude and firm stance of what he believed in, becoming a major babyface. Though, not everyone grew to like the persona, mostly grown men. But in the eyes of kids around the world, Cena became a symbol of hope, integrity and strength. John Cena has since been dubbed the 'Greatest of All Time' by many of his peers and audience members alike. Cena became a staple in pop culture and has been widely praised for his work ethic and professionalism in the sport and as a human being to many around him. For this, John Cena deserves to be apart of this list of the all time great babyfaces list. And yes, I do this...even though I can't ever see him. If I could, I'd shake his hand and thank him for everything he has done for the business of professional wrestling over the years.

Accomplishments: WWE Champion 13x, World Heavyweight Champion 3x, United States Champion 5x, WWE Tag Team Champion 2x, World Tag Team Champion 2x, Mr. Money in the Bank (2012), Royal Rumble winner (2008, 2013)

Comments: Alright, we made it to the Number 1 babyface of all time in WWE. Whether you love him or you hate him, you can't deny that there ever was a bigger babyface than 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan. In the early 1980s, Hulk Hogan burst onto the wrestling scene like no one had ever done before. This reason being, before Hogan came into WWE, the WWE was not on a mainstream level, around the nation or globe. Vincent K. McMahon, after purchasing the company from his father, wanted more out of the WWE. McMahon wanted the WWE to be even bigger and knew he could do that with some help. So, McMahon sought out a big enough personality to do so... that being Hulk Hogan. Hogan was an imposing figure and even an even bigger imposing figure of personality. A personality that the wrestling audience of that time hadn't seen before. So, McMahon saw money and drawing power in the newfound Hulkster. Hogan draped himself in red and yellow, standing for the American way and encouraging people to say their prayers and eat their vitamins. Hogan became a massive superstar, on levels not known of before, at least since the great Bruno Sammartino. But, Sammartino didn't have the ideaology of one Vincent Kennedy McMahon behind him like Hogan did. Throughout the 80s and early 90s, WWE became a juggernaut in pro wrestling entertainment. And their biggest asset was Hulk Hogan. WWE was now mainstream and in the homes of millions around the nation. They were selling out arenas across the country, thanks to the Hulk Hogan character. Hogan is a pioneer of mainstream wrestling and thanks to him and his contributions to the business, wrestlers today get to have those same opportunities as Hogan did in his prime. So, therefore, it makes sense for Hulk Hogan to be on this list as one of the greatest babyfaces of all time. So, in turn...WHATCHA GONNA DO?! WHEN HULK HOGAN AND HIS HULKAMANIACS RUN WILD ON...the 10 Best Babyfaces in WWE History list, BROTHER!

Accomplishments: WWE Champion 6x, WWE Tag Team Champion 1x, Royal Rumble winner (1990, 1991), WWE Hall of Fame 2x (2005 - himself, 2020 - as part of NWO)

