
Welcome to Sportswhim.

At Sportswhim, I share different content regarding the worlds of the WWE (including NXT) and NFL.

You will find:

- latest match cards, predictions, results, grades for each of WWE's premium live events
- original content, including blogs, Top 10 Lists, Best of Series and more!
- NXT content included as well

- latest scores for each NFL regular season week
- original content, including blogs, Top 10 Lists, and more!

- you can also check out the Sportswhim WWE HOF and Awards sections
- you can also check out the Sportswhim NFL HOF and Awards sections

I started Sportswhim, when it was originally called 'Wrestle Sheet', back in 2022. Then, I only shared pro wrestling content, notably WWE (and AEW at one time too). As of August 2024, I have expanded the blog to also include NFL content as well. I doubt it will grow larger than just WWE and NFL, those are the only two sports leagues I really follow (unless its a team of mine in another league - Guardians (MLB), Cavs (NBA) and Ohio State (College Football).

If you're a returning reader, welcome to a whole new era. If you're new... welcome!

- Dylan

